Ahlberg, Janet & Allan Funnybones Series
Andersen, Hans Christian The Princess and the Pea
Anderson, C.W. Blaze the Horse Series
Auch, Mary Jane Egg Marks the Spot
Bantam of the Opera (and others)
Axelrod, Amy Pigs at Odds (and others)
Barrett, Judi Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (and others)
Bemelmans, Ludwig Madeline Series
Blume, Judy The Pain & the Great One
Brenner, Barbara Wagon Wheels (and others)
Brett, Jan Hedgie's Surprise (and others)
Bunting, Eve Ducky (and others)
Calhoun, M. Cross-Country Cat (and others)
Cannon, Jannel Crickwing (and others)
Stella Luna
Cazet, Denys Minnie and Moo Go Dancing (and others)
Clement, Rod Grandpa's Teeth (and others)
Coerr, Eleanor Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express
Cohen, Caron Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett
Cohen, Miriam See You in Second Grade (and others)
Cole, J. and Calmenson, S. Ready�Set� Read and Laugh!
Cole, Joanna Bony-Legs
Craig, Helen Angelina Ballerina Series
Cushman, Doug Aunt Eater's Mystery Halloween (and others)
Mystery of King Karfu
Dicks, Terence Goliath at the Dog Show
Dobrin, Arnold Jillions of Gerbils
Duvoisin, Roger Petunia (and others)
Ernst, Lisa Duke: The Dairy Delight Dog
Feder, Paula Where Does the Teacher Live?
Flack, Marjorie The Story of Ping (and others)
Fleming, Candace The Hatmaker's Sign
Gackenbach, Dick Harry & the Terrible Whatzit
Gag, Wanda Millions of Cats (and others)
计,威尔逊 Down in the Boondocks (and others)
Giff, Patricia Reilly Ronald Morgan Series
Gramatky, H. Little Toot Books
Guback, Georgia Luka's Quilt
Hest, Amy The Purple Coat
Hoban, Russell A Bargain for Frances (Frances Series)
Hoffman, Mary Amazing Grace
Hong, Lily Toy Two of Everything
Howe, James Harold & Chester in Scared Silly Series
Horace & Morris, But Mostly Dolores
Hurd, Thatcher Art Dog (and others)
Impey, Rose Desperate for a Dog
Jeschke, Susan Firerose
Johnston, Tony Happy Birthday, Mole and Troll
Keller, Holly Geraldine Series
Keller, Laurie The Scrambled States of America
Kent, Jack Hoddy Doddy (and others)
King, Patricia Mabel the Whale
Koontz, Robin Michal Chicago and the Cat
Kvasnosky, Laura Zelda and Ivy Series
Lawrence, J. Binky Brothers, Detectives (and others)
Lester, Helen Hooway for Wodney Wat
Tacky the Penguin Series (and others)
Lester, Julius Albidaro and the Mischievous Dream (and others)
Levy,伊丽莎白 Something Queer series
Marshall, James George and Martha Series
McCloskey, Robert 给小鸭子s (and others)
Meddaugh, Susan Martha (the Dog) Series (and others)
Mitchell, Margaree King Uncle Jed's Barbershop
Monjo, F.N. The Drinking Gourd (and others)
Mosel, Arlene Tikki Tikki Tembo
Peet, Bill Big Bad Bruce (and others)
Pinkwater, Daniel I Was a Second Grade Werewolf (and others)
Polacco, Patricia Thank You Mr. Falker (and others)
Thunder Cake (and others)
Pomerantz, Charlotte The Outside Dog
Pulver, Robin, Axle Annie
Rayner, Mary Garth Pig Series
Rey, H.A. Curious George books
Rockwell, Anne Gollywhopper Egg (and others)
Schwartz, David How Much is a Million (and others)
Scieszka, Jon The Stinky Cheese Man (and others)
Seuss, Dr. The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (and others)
Slobodkina, Esphyr Caps for Sale
Smith, Janice Wizard and Wart
Stanley, Diane Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter
Saving Sweetness
Steig, William Sylvester & the Magic Pebble (and others)
Stolz, Mary Emmett's Pig (and others)
Teague, Mark Frog Medicine (and others)
VanAllsburg, Chris Jumanji (and others)
Viorst, Judith Alexander Series
Waber, Bernard Lyle the Crocodile Series (and others)
Waller, Barrett New Feet for Old
Williams, Suzanne Library Lil
Williams, Vera "More, More, More" said the Baby
A Chair for My Mother (and others)
Wood, Audrey King Bidgood's In the Bathtub (and others)
Yolen, Jane Commander Toad Series
Zion, G. Harry and the Lady Next Door (and others)